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e-Community & Entrepreneurship


Community & Entrepreneurship Development covers three main sectors namely Entrepreneurship Development and Leasing Sector, Administration & BCIC Holdings Company Operations Sector and Community Development and Entrepreneurs Transformation Sector.

Community & Entrepreneurship Development covers three main sectors :

1) Entrepreneurship Development and Leasing Sector

  1. Entrepreneurial training and guidance
  2. Acculturation program (PROTUNe) (click here)
  3. Entrepreneur database
  4. Advice and counseling service
  5. Secretariat of State Program
  6. Rental property management

2) Administration & BCIC Holdings Company Operation Sector

  1. Facilities rental
  2. Governance of BCIC Holding Sdn Bhd
  3. Administration and budget
  4. Maintenance of buildings

3) Community Development & Entrepreneurs Transformation Sector

  1. Secretariat of Entrepreneurs Transformation Program
  2. Secretariat of 'Tabung Amanah' Program
  3. Secretariat of Community Program
  4. The feasibility study and implementation of new business program

Contact us

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  Pahang State 
  Development Corporation

  16th Floor, Kompleks Teruntum
 25000 Kuantan, Pahang.

ICON TELEFON 02 01 +609 - 5658588  

icon fax 01 +609 - 5130510

icon email 01 webmaster[at]pknp[dot]gov[dot]my

icon email 01 corporate[at]pknp[dot]gov[dot]my


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