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Industrial Division


A) How PSDC can help investors like me?

PSDC through the 'One Stop Agency' s role is to manage and coordinate the processing of applications for investors. OSA will receive, investigate, consider and endorse the application of the investors having acquired the manufacturing license and other requirements of federal agencies. Project application process flow chart and industrial site by the investor can be addressed on this website.

B) Will I be eligible to apply for industrial land?

Anyone is eligible to apply. Applications can be made via a form or write a letter to us regarding the proposed project to be made.

C) Does a company need to have Bumiputera equity if foreign investors want to set up a company in the industrial area of stinky?

No need. A company wholly owned by foreign investors allowed.

D) What steps are taken to establish the State attracts and attracted foreign and domestic investment?

Among the programs are designed to be implemented are as follows: -
i. Participation in investment promotion missions and trade organized by the Federal Government according to destination to be determined by the State.
ii. Organize work and follow-up visits to overseas companies that have the potential and interest to invest in the State.
iii. Continuing the implementation of the program and Investor Friendly Day Chief Minister Quality Award which seeks to promote good relations between the State and investors operating in the State.
iv. Improving the efficiency of 'One Stop Agency "which involve agencies and government departments serves to help accelerate the license approval and the completion of various problems faced by new investors and existing investors.

Contact us

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  Pahang State 
  Development Corporation

  16th Floor, Kompleks Teruntum
 25000 Kuantan, Pahang.

ICON TELEFON 02 01 +609 - 5658588  

icon fax 01 +609 - 5130510

icon email 01 webmaster[at]pknp[dot]gov[dot]my

icon email 01 corporate[at]pknp[dot]gov[dot]my


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